This year we are happy to again provide our popular Himawari Preschool summer Japanese cultural immersion camp for kids ages 3-10 (with some kids younger than 3 by arrangement). Each week has a different theme, with age-appropriate groups working together towards that theme while using Japanese as a way to communicate with each other. For kids with some Japanese background, it’s a chance to use what they have, and for kids new to the language, it’s a chance to try Japanese in a fun environment. Click on this link to open the summer camp page with a link to the application form
We filled buckets and cups with snow and made a big cake! If I make an acorn cake, will Mr. Squirrel come and eat it?
大きな水たまりに氷が張り、アイススケート場ができていたよ! 氷の上はつるつる滑って楽しい~!
We found a large puddle covered with ice, like an ice skating rink… It’s fun to slide on the ice!
お正月遊び | New Year’s Play
Here we enjoy playing traditional Japanese games every day. in January. Hanetsuki (badminton) and singing children’s songs are also favorite activities of the kids!
同じ校舎内のにじいろ小学校の先生たちに、感謝の気持ちを込めて、折り紙で作った花をプレゼントしました。 We presented origami flowers to some of the staff at Nijiiro Elementary School, which is located in the same school building, as a token of our gratitude.
やきいも (Baked Sweet Yam)
みんなではっぱを集めて、やきいもごっこ。 Everyone gathered up leaves to pretend to bake yams, and then try the real thing!
We wrote and illustrated our letters, bought our stamps at the “Himawari Post Office”, and then walked 30 minutes to our post box, so we had a 1 hour round trip! We bumped into the postal carrier and she showed us how to load our letters into her postal delivery truck. Back at Himawari Preschool, we enjoy playing postman together.